Thursday, April 19, 2007

Writing my B.A

The topic of my B.A is as follows:"What grammatical errors do students of high school make during free-speaking activities". As you can see it is pretty long and thorough. Why have I chosen this topic? hmm let me think. I had virtually no idea what do write about and one day my friend told me that maybe errors is something interesting to delve into and I said why not. So far I have written the theoretical part of my thesis and now I have to focus on the practical part. It is not that easy as my action research as they call it will involve recording at least a few groups of learners in at least two free-speaking activities which is ok but I have not got much time for that. There is going to be the mature exam in high school any day now and I may have problems with this. Also I heard that some headmasters of high schools don't want to allow students to recors their learners as they are afraid of 'losing face'.I do hope that there will be one friendly headmaster that will not be afraid of that because otherwise I will not finish my B. A. this year which would be a disaster.Summing up I regret that I did not start to do it earlier.

1 comment:

AGA said...

WOW! That is challenging. I believe that the headmasters will be happy to let you do your action research. I know you’ll be able to convince them. I keep my fingers crossed. KISSES AND HUGGIES!!!